Friday, January 30, 2009

My birthday at RRRoom

I spent my birthday at my favourite place, RRRoom with new friends, Gen san, above (what a beautifully kind face he has)! and the very kawaii Fuji san - see video if I manage to upload it ok, and of course, Koji and Kumiko san who are always so warm and wonderfully welcoming. Koji sans cooking was gorgeous as always and they even dimmed the lights when they bought me my birthday cake, which looked perfect until I smudged the writing, whoops:D
Tonight i'm having a girlie night out so expect more pics soon!


stella said...

hey dude - happy belated birthday - can you let me know if your still at same address? finally got something to post out 2u!!! stella x

Tracy Cupitt said...

Hi Stella, yes I'm still at the same address, I'm looking forward to recieving your letter:)
sorry i haven't replied to your email yet, I can be crap sometimes and it's been a busy week, but fun!
Glad you found me on my blog!!
Hope you're well xxx

stella said...

brill post today!!! lets see how long snail mail takes, cheers chick stella xxx