Saturday, November 22, 2008

Martha and Lisa

I just love it when friends recommend new music to me that they think I might like and I end up falling in love! Thanks Spencer, for turning me onto Lisa Hannigan! I always loved her vocals on the Damien Rice album 'O', but I hadn't realised she's now gone solo.
I love her voice, so intimate and richly emotional, my favourite kind of vocals! She is also incredibly beautiful I think, a natural beauty. I have been trying to draw her from videos on youTube, so far without much success, I've just not 'got' her yet (see above for some initial attempts). Anyway, I'll keep trying and keep you posted!
Meanwhile you can see her on myspace here , her website here and there are plenty of vids on youTube too.

Also, I've finally finished the Martha Wainwright picture!! It's not at all how I imagined it, it seemed to have a life of it's own that just kind of took over! I'd something much more graphic and contemporary looking in mind. Comments greatly appreciated!

love and hugs xxx


Hayley Cafarella said...

oh yay...i didn't know Lisa had gone solo and LOVED her when I saw Damien Rice!
I like your last sketch...I hadn't gotten to reading the post yet and wondered why she looked familiar when i saw it so I think you did some good essence capturing :)

Tracy Cupitt said...

thanks for the comment Caf:) I'm glad she's recognisable from my sketch! I'm very jealous that you've seen her live with Damien Rice, I'll have to wait till I get back to England. What a beautiful voice she has xx