Friday, May 22, 2009

I'm home!

Hello everyone, greetings from England:D
I 've been back a week now and I'm still adjusting, Japan to England is far more of a culture shock than England to Japan. To be fair the grey and rather wet weather hasn't helped matters much but still, the wonderfully warm welcome I've recieved from my friends has more than made up for it!
So far I've been catching up with people and getting as many hugs as I can:D

I've also been checking out galleries in Manchester as I'm determined to get an exhibition together inspired by my recent travels and adventures. There's a few galleries I've got my eye on but first I need to gather all my art stuff (currently scattered at various peoples houses) and work up some of the sketches I did whilst I was away.
There's a lot to do and I have so many photographs to share which I will upload on here over time.

Anyway, for now here are a few pics and a video of the wonderful Mose FanFan from my first weekend back in Manchester and Glossop xxx


yosuke said...

Hi, Tracy
still Jetlag?:P
I'm so glad that you are fine.
Your friends in Yokosuka are all fine. We often talk about you.
I hope your exhibition is going great. When it's took place, please upload pics here.

I and Daisuke are gonna play some Beatles songs at a cafebar in Hiratsuka in the end of May.

Take care,
From far east Japan

Tracy Cupitt said...

Hi Yosuke, it's lovely to hear from you!!! I'm just sat practising guitar, I've made up a new fingerpicking piece that sounds like Nick Drake. I wish we could have had a jam before I left. Have fun playing Beatles songs, wish I could be there...
I've not got my exhibition together yet but as soon as I do I'll let you know.
Speak to you soon babe xx