Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Getting Closer!

This is the corner of my living room where I paint and generally make a mess:D I love having lots of my favourite images up around me for inspiration. I tend to put unfinished things up too, it's good to live with them for a while and allow time for them to suggest what they want me to do to them next!

My friend thought this should be the other way up, but it's a weeping cherry tree in front of one of the many beautiful vermillion shrines in kyoto, so it is actually the right way up!

I've been very busy creating new work and I'm loving every minute of it, I feel like i'm on a roll and it doesn't always happen like this so I'm enjoying it while I can:D
The exhibition at the Ghislaine Howard Studio Gallery starts this weekend and I feel like a little kid I'm so excited.

Ghislaine now has a fantastic new website, take a look:

I have a small section on there now too with a few of my images from the show:

Love and light on this snowy day, I'm off to get warm and to do some more work....


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